Monday, October 27, 2008
Daddy's Birthday, Quilting, & Tara as Nun
familyMy pictures are not in the right order and I can't seem to get them into the right order so I will just have to deal with it. I realized this morning that I had not posted about my daddy's 77Th birthday which was on October 13Th. Below is a picture of my Daddy and Mama on their Wedding day back in 1951. Weren't they a handsome pair?! I think so. My Daddy was 19 and my Mama was only 17. She was 2 months shy of being 18 and lied about her age to get married.
I have been really sewing a lot lately! Hubby was working nights last week and I sewed every evening when I got home from work till I went to bed. I don't know when I have sewn on my sewing machine so much! Below are some of the rows for my son's quilt. I got the quilt top finished Saturday night. I haven't taken a picture of it yet. But I will soon and will post it. As he never looks at my blog it won't matter. I don't even think he paid any attention to what I was sewing, even though he was in the room at the time! He was on the computer and he never sees anything when he is on the computer! The papers with numbers on them pinned at the end of the rows is my method of keeping everything straight.
Here are the 4 inch wide rows. The above rows are 2 inches wide. They go in between the 4 inch rows. I really think it turned out nicely. I also got someone elses quilt top finished but cannot post any photos of it as I don't want them to see it!
I hope to start another quilt this afternoon. Hubby is on days and so I figure I can come in from work and sew for about an hour before he gets home. It is strange how for years I have not wanted to piece quilts on the sewing machine and have done all hand applique'. But here lately I have wanted to do machine piecing! I just want to use up some of the fabric I have accumulated over the years. It does hurt my back really bad to sit at the sewing machine so long and after I get through sewing after a few hours I have to get my son to come rub my back and pop my spine for me. Then I take a couple Ibuprofen and rest! What hoot.
Here is my son, Keith, my Daddy, and my daughter, Tara on Daddy's birthday. Notice that Daddy has on a jacket. He also has on long sleeve shirt! And it was hot as can be on that day!
Here's Daddy blowing out his candles! I baked the cake and Keith iced it and put the sprinkles on it.
Tara's senior class had a Halloween Party this past Saturday night. Tara went as a nun. Here she is with her friend, Bird, who dressed as a priest. He was her date for the night.
Here is Tara's best friend, Tiffanie (who was a pirate) and Tara. Notice Tara's head dress. She didn't wear it at the party. She said it wouldn't stay on her head. Doesn't Tiffanie's hair look pretty? I curled it for her with a curling iron. I had to spray a ton of hairspray on it to make the curls hold. When she came back by after the party the curls were still in place!
~Tiffanie & Tara : The Pirate & The Nun~
Here is Tara in her whole Nun outfit. Notice her closet wall? She decided to let her friends sign the wall! What a hoot!
I spent all day Saturday cleaning house! Hubby helped me. We opened all the windows and doors and aired out the house. It was so nice, while it lasted, that is. It was between 70 and 75 degrees outside. Perfect weather, but it freaked my Daddy out to have the windows and doors open. He couldn't stand it! As soon as we got through cleaning he started shutting the windows and doors. I did manage to keep the kitchen window open for a little while and I kept the windows in my bedroom open and in my kids rooms. Daddy couldn't stand that. He kept wanting me to close them. Now, you have to understand that he has this little heater sitting next to his chair in the den and he runs it non-stop all day long! So it was like 80 degrees in the den, but he thought it was cold because I had the windows open in our bedrooms! It is a mind thing with him! I went into the kitchen to cook yesterday at 3pm and it was 80 degrees in there so I opened the kitchen window and the living room door to get some air in there. When Daddy got up to go to the bathroom he saw the living room door open and freaked out! He wanted to close it. He said I was freezing him to death! I told him it was 80 degrees in there and the temperature was climbing because I had the oven on! He is such a hoot! It seems his world is shrinking more and more and he cannot stand any kind of change. He told me it was going to be cold last night. I told him I didn't care what temperature it was going to be at night, that it was 80 degrees right that minute and I was trying to cook and I was sweating to death! I have a feeling it is going to be a very long winter!

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1 comment:
Hello Diane. This is your daughter, Tara.
i just wanted to let you know that you have a very hott daughter :)
oh and the 6'7" date didn't get to go. bird is obviously not that tall.
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