It is so strange how I go through these phases. Sometimes I will be in a fabric mode and make lots of quilts and other little things out of fabric and want to buy lots of fabric. Then other times I might be in an embroidery mood and want to do nothing but embroidery. Right now is my crochet mood. I have been crocheting for several months now. Whenever I go anywhere I am always wanting to look at the crochet thread and yarn. Fabric holds no interest for me right now. Isn't that odd?! Maybe I am just odd. Before you know it I will be in a mood to do something else and put down the crochet for a while.
I have really been enjoying the crochet, though. I have found some blogs where the ladies do gorgeous crochet! They are not American and although some of them I can translate the language on it is still hard to understand some of what they say or the patterns they post. But I have been able to look at the pictures of some things and figure out what different words in the pattern mean.
Here is a picture of the latest pair of booties I have crocheted.

This is a sachet that I got off one of the blogs I was telling you about. I just love it!

Here's a side picture of the sachet.

This is a little bracelet I made using purple and gold, our school colors here.

I am going to put some crocheted flowers on this bracelet.

This is a coaster.

Not really sure what this is. I think it kinda looks like leaves and will probably put a crochet flower in the middle of it.

This is a rose I crocheted out of size 20 thread. I just love the size it turned out.

This is a purple rose I crocheted out of size 10 thread. The color in the picture is not it's true color. The picture does not do it justice.

And here is a little loopy daisy.

I have lots more crocheted flowers and I need to take group pictures of them and post them.
Right now I am crocheting on a baby hat, booties, and sweater that a lady ordered. I hope to finish it this week.
Everything else here is going good. My son's football team has won every game they have played so far. They have played 5 games. Last Friday was the big game against our rivals across the river. Every year it is a big event. The stands were packed and it was so hot I was about to melt! We were so excited we won. It was the first time we have beat them in four years. We have a new coach this year and he has really done a lot with the team. I am not a football person at all. I am not a sports person at all. But I have enjoyed going to these games and am finally learning some about football. I still don't understand the downs thing. My husband has tried to explain it to me, but it just doesn't make sense. At least I have learned how to tell which team has the ball!
I sang in church again yesterday. I was more nervous this time then the last time. I think it is because my husband was there. Last time he was not there. This song also had more low notes and since I am high soprano and my mouth was really dry I kinda had a problem with that. Still after church everyone came up and told me how beautiful I sang. It sure made me feel good. But I sing for the glory of God and I know to Him it is perfect no matter how bad I think it is.
It is another Monday morning and I feel so sleepy. I could have just stayed in the bed. But, alas, I have to get my son to school and go to work. Ugh! I hope you all have a great day and week!