Sometimes uploading photos to blogger can really test my nerves! You have to upload them backwards from what you want them to appear and I always get so confused! It seems to take me forever to get them all uploaded. But I finally did it!
The kids and I have been very busy and having fun at the same time this past weekend. On Friday, Hubby, Amber and I went over to this building where we have stuff stored. This building is really what used to be hubby and mines bedroom. We lived in a trailer on this land and Hubby built this huge room onto the back for our bedroom. He did a great job! The trailer is gone now and we use the room as storage. Mostly what is stored there is my kids baby things and Amber's things that she can not take to college with her. We managed to go through quiet a number of boxes and totes and throw lots away and give lots to goodwill. I am afraid that I am the type that saved everything! Well, there is no way my kids are gonna want all the stuff I have saved and we just need to try and clean out this room. So I only kept the most special things.
Here is a picture of some of the boxes we were going through. The bed they are on was my Mama's king size bed. I just can't part with it. I think one day one of my kids will have it. My Daddy still uses the dresser and chest of drawers that go with it, but he is using a smaller bed. It is really a nice set.

Here is Amber in an Indian headband she got in Kindergarten!

Here is Amber with a bag full of her hair. Yes, her hair! When Amber was 3 and I had to go to the hospital to have Tara she had separation anxiety and start twisting her hair in her sleep. We would find these little balls of hair in her bed that she had twisted so and pulled out. Finally I had to cut her hair all off because it was getting so thin. She finally stopped. She did start back again when she started kindergarten. She was just not used to being away from me. But, after she got used to kindergarten she stopped pulling out her hair and was fine. See, I told you I saved everything! We took this picture and threw the hair away!

On Saturday Amber and Keith went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart with me. We were over in the Christmas Isle and they were trying on silly hats and headbands. What a cute picture they made!

Sunday our church had it's yearly Christmas cantata. This is a picture of the front of the church.

Here is our choir just as they were getting ready to sing.

Here is Keith and Tara playing Joseph and Mary! At first Tara did not want to play Mary. She said she did not want to be married to her brother. I told her it was just a play! They were like actors. So she agreed. We don't have very many youth in our church to play the part. I think she made a beautiful Mary and Keith was a very handsome Joseph.

Here is a picture of the whole stable scene. Keith and Tara did very good sitting there with Tara holding the baby and both of them looking at it. Of course it was a baby doll. But they did very good pretending it was the baby Jesus.

These are our flags that some ladies in the church made a couple years ago for our cantata. They are brought out every year at Christmas now and displayed.

After we got home from Church on Sunday and ate lunch we started baking. I had made these cake balls on Saturday and dipped them in chocolate Sunday. I got the recipe from
Bakerella. I don't know the exact post that gives the recipe but you will so enjoy looking through
her site to find it! She has some really good and tasty treats on her site and everything is so beautifully made! Everyone here loves them! They are so simple to make. Just cake mix of your choice and a can of cream cheese frosting. Then they are dipped in chocolate. The dipping them in chocolate is the most time consuming part.

We also made lots of cookies. These are the chocolate chip ones we made.

These are chocolate chip with pecans in them.

And here are my famous M & M cookies! I have been baking these for years and years! I had put the recipe in our church cookbook and since we had the Cookbook Tasting Party Sunday night I decided to make extras of these to take.

Here is my plate of food from the tasting party. There were so many tasty things there! I didn't get to taste everything as it was just too much food! But what I did taste was delicious! We have some great cooks in our church!

So it was a busy and fun weekend. I am on vacation from work this week! Yeah! I am fixing to go start putting new shelf paper in my cabinets and getting my dishes organized. I am a very organized person and can't stand for my kitchen cabinets to be unorganized. But with my dad living with us it is next to impossible to keep them organized. He takes it upon himself to put away the clean dishes and he never seems to put any thing in the same place twice! I spend most of my time hunting through cabinets looking for what I need when I am trying to cook. I am trying to think of a way that I can label the cabinets without it looking unsightly. I still don't know if that would do much good. Oh well, I'll just get them organized again and show him where every thing goes and see how it goes. I have told him before if he doesn't know where something goes then to put it on the counter and I will put it up. But he doesn't seem to always want to do that. At least he is doing something and that gets him up and moving.