This is another one of my self head shots. I think I might be getting better at this!

As everyone knows my daughter, Amber, has been going to a college in Louisiana. It is a five and a half hour drive from here. It has been very hard on Amber and us with her so far away from home. Last Saturday, the day before she was to go back to Louisiana after the holidays, she told me she just did not want to go back to Louisiana anymore. She wanted to be home. The last term was a rough one for Amber. She had some health problems and it was hard on her being so far away from home. So her dad and I told her she did not have to return to school in Louisiana this term. That she could just come home and go to the college here at home. So on Sunday she and my niece went back to Louisiana so that Amber could take her home and go to work that evening and tell her boss she had to quit. She has had a very nice part time job there and done very well with it. She really hated having to tell her boss she was quiting, but she had to. He was so nice about it and told her if ever she needed anything to let him know. He told her he really hated to loose her, that she was a very good employee and he liked her personality. She had worked there for almost two and a half years. She kept telling him she hated not to be able to give him a longer notice but her dad and me had to come get her this week. We had to go get her while her dad, who works shift work, was on his 3 days off this week. Her boss told her he understood. So on Tuesday evening, after I got off work, Hubby and I jumped in the car and headed to Louisiana. We got there late that night and got up early Wednesday morning and went to Amber's dorm and loaded up her stuff. Here is a picture of Amber in her dorm getting ready to load up.

Here is a picture of the stuff she has packed and ready to go!

Here is Amber at the college she was attending in Louisiana.

After we got all her stuff at the dorm loaded up we had to go over to my nephew's house and load up some stuff she had stored there. It wasn't much. Just her sewing machine and some fabric and a couple of boxes of other stuff. Amber is like me, she has to have her fabric and sewing machine where ever she goes!
This is a picture of Amber with her cousin Ross. They are the same age and grew up together. Ross goes to the same college Amber was attending. I know she will miss him the most of all. She and him have hung out a lot while she was at college and he has helped her several times moving in and out of the dorm.

Here is another picture of Ross and Amber goofing off.

This is a pretty good picture of the two of them. The sun was really in the wrong position and the pictures turned out too light in spots. I should have made them stand somewhere else. Hubby was wanting us to hurry up with the picture taking so we could get on the road.

This is a picture of Ross and me. Once again the sun was doing terrible things to the photo.

Here are Amber and Ross in a final hug. I know they will miss each other.

This is Amber with the aprons she wore at work. She had to have them cleaned and pressed and return them. So we stopped by there on our way out of town so she could drop them off.

She worked at Schlotzsky's Deli. As I was standing there waiting on her to give the assistant manager her aprons I saw these little guys sitting on the counter. I thought they were so cute! They are holding up samples of the bread Schlotzsky's uses for their sandwiches.

This is a sign that was inside Schlotzsky's. Amber came out of the office and saw me taking pictures and thought I was nuts!

This one is a little dark, but it is the back of Amber's truck with all her stuff in it, heading back to Alabama. Hubby was driving Amber's truck and Amber and I were in the car following him.

It was a fast and tiring trip. We got home Wednesday afternoon and were all ready to just rest. Yesterday, Thursday, Hubby went with Amber to the College that is 30 miles from here so she could get set up going there. As parents we know that our children should go to a college close to home to begin with. But they think they know best and don't want to listen to us. Amber so badly wanted to go to Louisiana where her cousins were. Now she is seeing that was not the best choice to have made. But I believe it probably was. It really taught her to appreciate home. She learned a lot while she was there, both in school and out. We are just thankful that God took care of her and has brought her home safely to us. Amber is a very smart girl. She will get a part-time job here and finish her college education and go far in life.
And let me tell you! Our little house is bursting at the seams now!