I know it has been awhile since my last post. It's hard around here for me to get on the Internet with so many kids always wanting to be on! We have this long cable and it gets passed around from room to room. My son plays games on his x-box with other people on the Internet in his room. One of my daughters gets on her new laptop in her room and my other daughter gets on her laptop in the den. So I have to try and squeeze in there every once in a while on my laptop! I know I can type my post from work, which is what I am doing now. But I have to download pictures to my post from my laptop at home. When I go back to Mobile in July for my daughters college orientation I am going to go to Best Buy and look for something that will allow us to plug several cords into the modem at the same time so that more then one person at a time can be on the Internet. My brother says I should just get wireless. That is a thought.
Speaking of my brother. He finally got to come home for a visit. It had been a year and a half since he had been home. But he lives 10 hours away and owns his own restaurant and has a family of his own so he has just not had the time. He and his son came. His wife was on a vacation with her friend and his daughter had gone out of town to visit friends. It was a nice visit and we so enjoyed him being here. It just went way too fast. I made him a good old home cooked Southern meal on Saturday and he just kept thanking me and thanking me. He ate two big plate fulls! Now that's the kind of eating I like to see when I spend hours cooking! I made him one of his favorite meals that our mama used to cook us when we were young. Fried chicken, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade gravy, homemade broccoli and cheese casserole and we had some home grown snap beans that Amber had cooked. The only thing not made from scratch were the biscuits. I used to always make him homemade biscuits when we were young. He has actually gotten me out of bed when I was a teenager to go make him some biscuits. Of course I wouldn't be asleep, I would just be reading. But I decided to just go with the frozen ones since they taste like homemade anyway. He said that was fine with him. I had also made him a Coca-Cola cake. I have been making these cakes for him since I was 16. It is his favorite cake! He was so happy I made one for him. Can you tell that I have always spoiled my brother? Yep! I have. Ever since I was a little bitty girl I have done stuff for him. He is two years older then me. My mama once said that she used to have to get onto me to make me stop doing every thing he wanted me to do. I just waited on him hand and foot. I have just always loved my brothers and wanted to do stuff for them.
Here is a picture of me and my brother. I really hated it when he had to leave. He is the only brother I have left, as our other two brother's died at young ages, and I really miss him.

Here is a picture of me, our Dad, and my brother, Freddy. Well, we call him Freddy, but now that he is in business and all everyone calls him Fred. Daddy puts on his pajamas early every night so he had already put them on by the time I decided to take pictures.

This is my brother's son, Nick, and my son, Keith. Nick just really took to Keith and wanted to do stuff with him all the time. So Keith had layed down on the floor to play his game and Nick layed down on top of him! The little dog in front of them is Darcey, Freddy's dog.

Here is Keith, Amber, and Nick. Notice Amber's haircut? She got her hair all cut off and it really looks cute.

While Freddy was here he took Daddy to Daddy's brother's furniture store to get a new recliner. He said Daddy tried out all the recliners and this is the one that fit him the best so this is the one they got! It sure is better then his old one. That old thing was over 20 years old and just falling apart!

This past Thursday was my niece, Rheanna's, 16th birthday! So we had cake! She had a good birthday and got several presents. I think I mentioned in an earlier post that Rheanna is spending the summer with us.
Here is a picture of Tara & Rheanna with her birthday cake. I baked it and Keith iced it. Keith is my official cake icer! He is getting really good at it.

I have been crocheting a lot of booties and bonnets lately to sell. Well, maybe not a lot. I am trying to get a lot made but it seems I'm not getting very far. Guess I am getting old! I plan to put them in my ETSY shop soon!
Here is one pair I made. I just love the green and pink together. In case anyone wants to know I am selling my booties for $10.00 a pair plus shipping cost. I will be selling my bonnets for $20.00 plus shipping. Well, most of them will be that price. There maybe a couple that all more intricate that will cost a little more.

Here is another pair I have made. I just love the turquoise color too! I have a bonnet to match these but have not gotten a picture of it yet.

I have ordered a lot of new colors of threads so I can make lots of different colors booties and bonnets. Here the only place I have to buy crochet thread is at Wal-Mart and they just don't have hardly any colors at all. I can hardly wait for my new threads to arrive! I hope everyone will check out my ETSY page when I get these all on there. I will put a link on my blog once I have that done.